doula | scholar | educator
Welcome. I’m Kendy Faye (she/they/ella), known by some as "Mama Bela," and by One as "Mama." I’m a full-spectrum doula specializing in reproductive trauma and perinatal mental health & sexuality. I also genuinely just love the art of tending to & creating comfy spaces for pregnant and parenting folks.
Since 2007, I’ve had the privilege of living in six countries across East Africa, Asia, Western Europe, and Central/South America, where I worked with individuals and families seeking support to navigate unique life circumstances. Being welcomed into hundreds of homes & community support circles over the years has been the joy and privilege of a lifetime. And despite the fancy degrees listed below, my deepest learning has come from these relationships.
It was the birth of my child that called me into doula service and trauma education. What started as a way to understand what happened to me, evolved into a full-bodied pivot into my current role as a doula & scholar-practitioner of perinatal & sexual wellness toward reducing global rates of perinatal mortality & morbidity.
Today, my research interests explore birth and trauma through the lens of critical sexuality studies. Drawing from the framework of reproductive justice & the unique perspectives of my clients, I strive to support folks of all genders to excavate ideologies they find oppressive and heal through the brave pursuits of birthing babies, newfound identities, & creative projects.
I’m as proud as I am humbled to be here today thanks to the artists, healers & visionaries who have lit the way. In gratitude, I remain dedicated to weaving their wisdom into a praxis that seeks to attune, affirm & advocate for the agency of pregnant, birthing & bereaved parents around the world.
experience & education
Doctoral Student, Human Sexuality, California Institute of Integral Arts (in progress, 2024-present)
M.A. Clinical Psychology with emphasis in Marriage Family Therapy, Pepperdine University (2023)
B.A. Global Cultures, Spanish Langauge & Literature, University of California, Irvine (2009)
Brainspotting, phase 1, Dr. Pie Frey (2024)
Diploma in Special Education, Asian College of Teachers (2019)
International Baccalaureate Educator Certificate (2014)
International TEFL/TESOL Training (2010)
Spanish Language & Linguistics, Universitat de Barcelona (2008)
a non-comprehensive list of foundational trainings I’ve completed representing core priorities in my work:
Perinatal Mental Health Certificate, Maternal Mental Health (2024) (level 1 toward Postpartum Support International’s PMH-C certification)
Prenatal, Birth & Postpartum doula training, Mama Glow (2019)
Know Your Rights: Legal and Human Rights in Childbirth for Birth Pros and Advocates, Birth Monopoly (2023)
Kink: A Liberating Practice for Parents, Sabia Wade (2024)
Making Birth Safer for Every Body, Cairn Yakey (they/them) (2024)
Take Back the Speculum, Embodywork LA (2022)
Miscarriage and Abortion Support, Samantha Zipporah (2022)
Preventing Birth Trauma Level 1 & 2, Birth and Trauma Support Center (2020)
Robbins, J. & Faye, K. (2023, March). Birth trauma: An Introduction with Assessment & Treatment Considerations [Asynchronous Lecture]. Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education and Psychology. PSY 669: Trauma in Diverse Populations.
Robbins, J. Faye, K. (2023). Understanding birth trauma and ethical considerations for treatment. The Los Angeles Psychologist, Winter, 12.
Robbins, J. & Faye, K. (2023, June). Evaluating birth-related trauma: Impact, considerations & interventions for nursing professionals. Continuing education facilitated at the annual convention of the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses: New Orleans, LA.
Birth Trauma: Introduction to Assessment & Treatment for LGBTQIA+ Care Professionals, Transgender Health & Wellness Center (2024)
Birth Trauma: Identifying Solutions for Humanistic Healthcare, USAID, Washington, DC (2022)
Research Coordinator, The Active Experience - Trauma, Wellness & Holistic Healing Research Center (2022 - present)
Intern, Transgender Health & Wellness Center, CA (2023)
Food for Friends, Healing Hope & Love, Los Angeles, CA (2023-2024)
Perinatal Wellness Facilitator, Riverside County Recreation District, CA, USA (2022)
Women’s Wellness Coordinator, Jamat Khane, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (2019)
Multidisciplinary Child Welfare Committee, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (2017-2019)
Curriculum Development & Exam Mentor, Mnyenzeni, Kenya (2010 - 2011)
African Refugee Development Center, Palestine (2009)
W.Y.S.E Women and Youth Supporting Each Other, Orange County, CA (2008-2009)